Thursday, 15 September 2016


Date: 25 – October – 2015
Place: PCG Grace Congregation (Junior Youth), Pig Farm/Maamobi, Accra

READINGS:   Job 42: 1-6,     Hebrews 7:23-28,       Mark 10:46-52 [1]
As a Jew Jesus has been making this journey from his home region of Galilee to Jerusalem as part of Jewish custom. At least every year, a Jew is to appear before the LORD in the temple three times for festival and a key one is the Passover. Also as an itinerant minister, he has used the route several times throughout the region for ministry. The journey through Jericho was perhaps his last, for subsequent chapters leads to the final days in Jerusalem and His crucifixion. This gives us a key point in our gospel reading for today. We don’t know how long Bartimaeus has been at the road side begging. But we can confidently say that this was his last moment to encounter the LORD Jesus Christ for healing.
A.    The Condition of Bartimaeus
  • He was blind
  • He was a beggar
Because most occupations of that day required physical labor, anyone with crippling disease or disability was at severe disadvantage and was usually forced to beg, even though God’s laws commanded care for such needy people (Leviticus 25:35 – 38). [2] Being a blind beggar in a society puts you at the lower levels, if not the lowest in the society. Economically, he depended on the benevolence of others. He needed help at all times. But Jesus regarded him though those around despised them.
We are all blind and beggars in our own right and we need a Savior who will save us from our condition. We are blinded by sin and Satan. Sin has dominated and filled us. We steal, cheat and do all the things that God has commanded us not to do and refuse to do all that he has commanded us to do (e.g. taking care of the disable in our society etc.)
How do we respond to the needs of the less privileged in our society? In our class rooms, how do we treat those who are not as good as we are? Do we offer the help that people request from us?
B.    He saw an opportunity and persisted in taking hold of this opportunity
  • He heard that Jesus, the Nazarene was passing. He might have heard about him.
  • He cried out for help and when rebuked, he cried out the louder.
How do we recognize and respond to opportunities that avail themselves around us? When we are hashed, do we keep mute and give up? We should learn from Bartimaeus example and cry out louder to Him who can help us.
C.    He recognized who Jesus was and knew exactly what he wanted Him to do for him
  • He saw Jesus as the Messiah
Who is Jesus to you? How do you see Him?
From our second scriptural reading:
  • Jesus lives forever.
  • He has a permanent priesthood.
  • He is able to save completely those who come to God through him because he always lives to intercede for them.
  • He meets our needs because he is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners and exalted above the heavens.
  • He sacrificed for our sins once for all when he offered himself.
Bartimaeus called him “Son of David” linking Him to royalty. Who is Jesus? What does “Son of David” mean? The title “Son of David” was a popular way of addressing Jesus as the Messiah, because it was known that the Messiah would be a descendant of King David (Isaiah 9:7). The fact that Bartimaeus called Jesus the Son of David shows that he recognized Jesus as the Messiah. [3]

  • He wanted his sight
  • When asked what he needed, he laid the need before Jesus
An Asian add – A lady and the husband were in a mountainous region with the husband trapped under a big stone. She and the husband were shouting for help and no response came from anywhere. In her desperation, she bowed her knee and prayed ‘God, I have not asked you for anything before but please….” She saw what seemed to her as a supernatural being appearing from the sky. The two were overjoyed that salvation has come.  The husband was shocked when the being asked the wife, “What is your request?” she responded “That I will have the skin of a 16 year old”. Lesson the need was neglected. But not so with Bartimaeus.
D.    He followed Jesus
  • After being healed, he followed Jesus on the way.
There are many people who after their healing and receiving blessings from the LORD have turned their backs on the God who blessed them. There are many who have turned their sight from the giver to the gifts. We should follow the Lord Jesus Christ on the way. The journey of the Christian pilgrim is tortuous but the one we are following has promised to be with us (Hebrews 13:5). Let us continue with Him on the way.
  • There are many who are calling to Jesus for so many things. Some have been asked “what can I do for you?” and have requested many things which are merely wants. Like Bartimaeus, we should know and ask for our need.
  • Some have been rebuked to keep quiet and they have kept mute. Like Bartimaeus, let us keep shouting and cry out louder. He will hear us
  • There are many who having received their request have gone their way. But let us like Bartimaeus, follow Him on the “way”.
  • There are many who have been called and are still sitting and holding on to their garments. Let us cast away our garment (sin, fear, etc.), rise and go to Jesus.
What could we do in this wilderness world, beset with manifold temptations within and without – had we not a God to go to – Jesus, an ever-present Help in times of trouble? He is our Helper in little matters, as in great ones. No one on earth, however dear, can take His place. We need Him as our Counsellor and Guide, our Protector and Deliverer. How needful, then, and how sweet--to be ever sitting at His feet, looking up and meeting His loving eye, as it looks down upon us. Let us allow no distance between us and our dearest and best Friend.
Jesus indeed is very precious. Everything else sinks into its native nothingness when compared with Him. The more we see of the matchless, boundless love of Christ--the more we lie under a sense of our wretched deformity in the dust of self-abasement before Him. But O the love springing from a sense of free pardon and full acceptance in Him, is often overpowering, and produces bitter tears, yet mixed with so much that is sweet.
All is given freely and fully. We come needy and helpless – and receive all from Him. O the riches of His grace, and matchless love to such as we are! (by Mary Winslow)
The fact is it all starts with a personal relationship with Christ. Have you been to Jesus for cleansing? Are you washed in the blood of the of the Lamb? The Bible says “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”. [17] “We all went astray like sheep; we all have turned to our own way; and the LORD has punished Him for the iniquity of us all”. [18] The only hope for all mankind is Christ. He is the only way to lasting honour and exaltation. He said “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me”. [19]
Will you like to start this journey to lasting honour and exaltation? Why not pray this prayer wherever you may be reading this article:
Father, I accept that I am a sinner and cannot save myself. Today I repent of all the sins I have committed against you and many other people. Please forgive me all my sins. Lord Jesus, I believe and acknowledge that You came to this earth, lived and died as my substitute on the cross of Calvary and rose again from the grave on the third day for my justification. I accept you as my Saviour and ask that you be the Lord of my life from today. Give me your Spirit to guard and guide me for the rest of my life. Thank you for saving me and giving me eternal life. Your Name be praised for this wonderful gift of life. In Jesus’ Name have I prayed, AMEN”.
Welcome to the family of God. I will encourage you to find a Bible-believing Church to attend for Christian fellowship and spend time daily in the Word of God and communion with God in prayer. Remember you have been born of God and now a child of the Most High God. But to all who did receive Him [Jesus], He gave them the right to be children of God, to those who believe in His name, who were born, not of blood, or of the will of the flesh, or of the will of man, but of God. [20] Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, and look, new things have come. [21]
[1] Presbyterian Church of Ghana 2013 Almanac
[2] LASB Note on Mark 10:46
[3] LASB Note on Mark 10:47
[4] Mark 2:27, NKJV
[5] Proverbs 25:7, NLT
[6] Luke 14:11, NLT
[7] Hebrews 13:5-6, NLT
[8] Matthew 6:30, NLT
[9] Life Application Study Bible commentary on Luke 14:11, pg. 1718

Albert Annan (B.Sc., MGhIE) is a graduate of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana from which he holds B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. From 2011 to 2013, he was a BSS/Transmission Engineer at Glo Mobile Ghana, Cape Coat. He is presently an Electrical Engineer with the Electricity Company of Ghana Ltd, System Planning Division, Projects Office, Accra and a Minister-in-Training at the Ramseyer Training Centre, Abetifi-Kwahu. He is married to Nancy and has two (2) sons. He loves to study the Bible and listen to and sing hymns. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Mount Sinai Congregation – Komenda.

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