Most, if not all,
farmers cultivate various crops with the expectation of reaping a good harvest.
I am yet to see a farmer who cultivates without expecting a good harvest. Any
crop that is cultivated produces particular fruit as a harvest for all the hard
work of the farmer. If the farmer planted maize, he will expect to harvest
maize and he will put in all the mechanism that will ensure that he gets good
fruit from his farm.
And rightly so the
Vineyard owner and the landowner in our first and third Bible readings expected
good fruit and fruit from his vineyard and tenants respectively.
Our theme for today’s
Service is “Producing fruit of the Kingdom”. We will consider answering the
following questions from the passages that we have read and take some lessons
for our own lives;
· * What is fruit of the
· * Why do we have to bear
or produce fruit of the Kingdom? and
· * How do we bear or
produce fruit of the Kingdom?
What is fruit of the
In our first Bible reading
in Isaiah 5:1 – 7, Isaiah talks about God as the owner of a vineyard which is
the house of Israel. God planted this vineyard to produce good grapes which is
righteousness and justice. Instead the vineyard of God (i.e. the house of
Israel) produced bad grapes which is bloodshed and cries of distress.
Jesus in our third
Bible reading talks about the land owner and his vineyard but in this instance
about tenants of the vineyard. God who is the owner of the vineyard in this
context expects fruits from the vineyard.
The fruit of the
kingdom is righteousness and justice. In Galatians 5:22 – 23, we are told the
fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness, and self-control. This is the fruit of the kingdom and God expects
every child of the kingdom to bear this fruit. The question is are we part of
the kingdom and if so what fruit are we bearing or producing, good fruit or bad
Why do we have to
bear or produce fruit of the Kingdom?
1. Because of the investment that the
owner (God) have put into the vineyard. In Isaiah 5:2 we are told the God
located the vineyard on a fertile hill and “He dug it up and cleared it
of stones and planted it with the choicest vines. He built a watchtower in it
and cut out a winepress as well.” Jesus in Matthew 21:33 tells us that
the landowner who planted a vineyard before renting it out “put a wall
around it, dug a winepress in it and built a watchtower.” God has
invested heavily in the kingdom by giving His Son to us. He paid a heavy price
to redeem us who belong to the kingdom. And so we have to bear or produce fruit
of the kingdom.
2. Destruction awaits those who do not
produce or bear the fruit of the kingdom. In Isaiah 5:5 – 6, God talks of
removing his protection from the house of Israel in these terms “Now I
will tell you what I am going to do to my vineyard: I will take away its hedge,
and it will be destroyed; I will break down its wall, and it will be trampled.
I will make it a wasteland, neither pruned nor cultivated, and briers and
thorns will grow there. I will command the clouds not to rain on it.”
and in Matthew 21:41, 43 we are told “He will bring those wretches to a
wretched end,” they replied, “and he will rent the vineyard to other tenants,
who will give him his share of the crop at harvest time.” [43] “Therefore I
tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a
people who will produce its fruit.”
How do we produce
fruit of the Kingdom?
Paul in our second
Bible reading tells us that his “righteousness is by faith in Jesus
Christ.” We can only attain this righteousness by putting our faith in
Jesus Christ and knowing Him through sharing in His suffering, becoming like
Him. It is this commitment and attachment to the Lord Jesus Christ that produces
the fruit of the kingdom. Truly those who worship God by the Spirit of God
glory not in their flesh but in Christ Jesus. Human effort can only produce bad
fruit. In John 15:1 – 8, we are told we can only produce fruit only when we are
attached to the true vine who is the Lord Jesus Christ.
In Mat 7:20, Jesus said “Thus, by their fruit
you will recognize them.” We belong to the kingdom
of God, then we must produce good fruit. Good fruit is the natural produce of
the godly. Have you examined your fruit lately? Is it good fruit or bad fruit? Is
it sweet or sour?
God expects the people
of His kingdom to produce good fruit of righteousness and justice. This comes
by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and an attachment to Him as the vine and we
the branches. (John 15:1 – 8).
I challenge you this
week to go and produce the fruit that God expects from you. Let those around
you yearn to know and see that you belong to the Kingdom by bearing or
producing fruit of righteousness, holiness and justice in all your actions.
This will be difficult
if you don’t belong to the Lord Jesus Christ by having His righteousness which
comes by faith in Him. He calls you today to allow Him into your heart and give
Him control of your life as your Lord and Saviour. Will you do that?
Let us pray.
If you don’t have a
personal relationship with Jesus Christ, as we have bowed our heads, ask Him to
come in and make you a new person. Hand over our life to Him today.
Father we thank You for
Your word. Bless us and strengthen us to go out there and produce the fruit of
your kingdom as people who belong to You. We pray in the Name of our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen!!!
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