Friday, 7 February 2014


I have observed man for this short life I've lived under the sun
He move from here to there to make ends meat for himself and sometimes his family.
Every time you see him, he is on the move to make more money whatever means is possible-fair or foul
As a state officer, he loots the wealth of the people without giving thought to the suffering masses, not even God who will demand an accounting from Him.
All he lives for is his comfort and well being and sometimes that of his family. He is so myopic that all he sees in life is today and himself.
As a teacher...
As an engineer...
As a medical doctor...
Man without God, full of godlessness and senseless and sensual in his life. All his hope is on this earth and death is the end of his hopes and the only thing he fears and runs from.
What a disaster in life for this man!

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